super mario bros. style pipe with pixel student popping out pixel style boy holding a paint pallet

Call for Program Proposals


To deliver an exceptional learning experience, please review these guidelines and apply no later than Friday, May 24, 2024. Preference may be given to proposals that are positioned to deliver a mix of the following:

  • Reflect innovative, cutting-edge content, and evidence-based practice.
  • Stimulate and provoke discussion, audience engagement and outcome-focused design.
  • Present a business case with evidence supported by research or data.
  • Explore issues important to school board members.
  • Challenge attendees to think of a new solution.
  • Provide diverse approaches for different types of learners.
  • Demonstrate the relevance of lessons through “real-life” case studies.


As you reflect on your proposal, please consider the following session categories for the 2024 conference program. While session applications may address more than one area, you must select one of the following.

  • Leadership: develop the district team and demonstrate a shared vision, district goals and strategic planning.
  • QSAC:  instruction and programming, fiscal concerns, governance, operations and personnel.
  • Progress and Accountability:  student learning outcomes, progress monitoring, STEAM and technology in classrooms.
  • Advocacy and Engagement:  building partnerships and engaging the community, parents and businesses; legislative advocacy; public school advocacy.


Adult learners usually prefer to engage in self-directed learning and that philosophy drives the Governance Camp approach to conference programming.

Group Sessions (60 minutes)

  • Concurrent sessions will be set in theater style to their maximum seating capacity (50-250).  Design your program to allow for Q&A and insert engagement as appropriate for a lecture-style presentation.  Use QR codes to create UXD interactions as appropriate.   

Action Lab (90 minutes)

  • The room is set in rounds, to allow for discussion groups and a high level of attendee participation.  The rooms are limited to 48-60 attendees, for increased participation and engagement with those attending.
  • These sessions MUST have an actionable event, group activity, or attendee task demonstrated in the writeup to be considered. 

Learning Lab (Sponsors Only – 45 Minutes)

These will be upstairs in the learning rooms. The rooms will be set up in classroom style with tables.  The format can be lecture if you choose, but you should engage the audience in the learning as much as possible. 

Proposals should include:

  • Succinct title for your training program (no more than eight words).
  • Brief course description about the topic that is free of jargon and acronyms (no more than 50 words).
  • Biographical information.
  • Name.
  • Job title.
  • Name of your company or district.
  • Business/district location and county.
  • Municipality where you live.
  • Email address.
  • Cell number.
  • Other pertinent information you would like to share (community organizer, Girl Scouts leader, etc.).


  • All proposals must be submitted through our portal.
  • The primary point of contact is the person submitting the proposal (the contact person). NJSBA will communicate with the singular POC for all communications, including notifications and deadlines. In addition, the POC is responsible for sharing information as needed with co‐leaders and panelists.  
  • Use clear, error-free language. Session proposals require clear and concise titles, persuasive outcomes‐focused descriptions (limit 50 words). NJSBA retains the right to modify titles and descriptions during copy editing for marketing purposes.
  • All accepted content leaders must adhere to published deadlines. You must be committed and responsive to working with NJSBA to deliver exceptional service by adhering to deadlines.
  • All accepted content leaders must observe intellectual property rights. Presenters must ensure that information, illustrations, images contained in presentations, related materials, or visual aids shall be factual and not be misleading and will not violate any third party’s intellectual property or copyrights.


NJSBA will be closing proposal submission May 24. Once the process has been closed, we will begin our review. All applicants should expect to hear our decision by mid-summer. NJSBA’s Workshop is a premier training event – all submissions should be sure to connect with New Jersey education and New Jersey districts. Preferential selection will be given to New Jersey based school districts. This is a closed show, meaning that companies that are not exhibiting on the floor will NOT be permitted to present as a means of gaining access. NJSBA will monitor all companies who apply for program submission. 

*Email correspondence regarding Workshop 2024 proposal submissions will be sent from and/or, please whitelist these addresses to ensure you receive all notifications.